Husband on trial over horrifying rapes on wife tells French court ‘I am a rapist like everyone else’

French court trial

A man, described as one of the worst sexual predators in France, admitted to drugging his wife and letting strangers attack her. He said, “I am a rapist, like everyone else in this courtroom.” The French court trial has garnered significant attention as a husband stands accused of horrifying rapes against his wife. #FrenchCourtTrial

Dominique Pélicot, 71, spoke for the first time about his crimes on Tuesday morning. He said, “I recognize the facts in their totality.”

The white-haired grandfather appeared in the dock at the Vaucluse Criminal Court in Avignon, following a week of ill health.

He is on trial alongside 50 other men, all of them accused of the “aggravated rape” of his wife Gisèle Péllicot, also 71.

She looked impassive today as Pelicot shuffled into court using a cane. In a dramatic scene, the court allowed Ms. Pelicot to react to her husband’s confession. She said, “For me, it is difficult to hear it.”

“For 50 years, I lived with a man who I would never have imagined for a single second that he could do these acts. I had complete confidence in this man.”

Wearing a thick grey shirt, Pélicot admitted to crimes that led his own daughter to call him “one of the greatest sexual predators” in recent years.

He said: “Today, I maintain that, with the obligations we all have, I am a rapist, like everyone in this room. They cannot say otherwise.”

As the French court trial progresses, many are watching to see how justice will be served.

Finally, the case underscores broader societal issues related to domestic violence and sexual assault. The French court trial serves as a grim reminder of the need for continued reform and support for victims. #FrenchCourtTrial
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