Hospitals Adapt Response to Neonatal Drug Exposure

Neonatal Drug Exposure

Kirsten Puccio experienced a mix of anticipation and apprehension when her daughter was born in August 2020. Despite eagerly awaiting the arrival of her child, Puccio faced the distressing reality of being reported to the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families for child abuse and neglect due to her methadone treatment for opioid use disorder. Despite preparing for the reporting requirement at a specialized clinic, the situation emotionally burdened Puccio profoundly.

“By following doctor’s orders and doing what is recommended medically, you’re then essentially punished,” she said. “No matter how hard you work, how strong your recovery is, how many great positive things you’re doing, you’re still going to be reported for abuse and neglect.”

Puccio says she barely slept for five days after delivery out of fear that officials would take her newborn away.

“I was just in fight or flight mode my whole pregnancy,” she said. “I was panicked the entire time, knowing that upon birth, I was going to have to fight to keep custody of my child.”

Moreover, hospitals are focusing on preventive measures and community outreach initiatives to address the root causes of neonatal drug exposure and support at-risk mothers. Efforts involve campaigns educating pregnant women, healthcare providers, and the community about substance abuse risks during pregnancy. These aim to raise awareness and promote healthier choices. Furthermore, hospitals are bolstering partnerships with addiction treatment centers and mental health providers. Consequently, this ensures seamless continuity of care for affected mothers and infants. Hospitals are proactively intervening and collaborating with stakeholders to reduce neonatal drug exposure and improve outcomes for affected newborns. Consequently, this effort aims to enhance the well-being of families.
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